Illustration Week and much more

I'm very lucky to be born, raised and living in New York City. This city never stops moving, changing, or surprising me. Illustration week kicked off with Folio society at the Society of Illustrators. On Wednesday, I attended the Big Talk, as part of the American Illustration Party, and listened to the very articulate, Sam Weber, and talented, Dan Winters. Of course, Sam did his usual thing and I watched a live episode of Your Dreams My Nightmares. 

Thursday was the big night and I want to thank everyone for such a lovely first time. Everyone was extremely talented and sweet. I was able to meet a lot of Illustrators whose work I admired and followed. Afterwards, I had a drink with the beautiful Arlene at Illustration NYC, amazing Warren Linn, witty Steve Byram, and astute Mark Kingsley. 

Yesterday was very calming. I attended the book release party for The Book of I, by Jorge Armenteros. I was invited by my dear talented friend, Stephen de Jesus Friars, who read 3 personal pieces. There was also a string quartet whom I was extremely impressed by.

Thanks everyone again for showing me such a great time. Congratulations to everyone selected for the AI 33 book! Your works are a major inspiration and motivation to keep improving my work. Also, a major congratulations to Jorge Armenteros for The Book of I.